Recommended 0-70-120 Fertilizer – What Does This Mean?

Q: We are planting soybeans in a food plot for deer. The seed company recommends 0-70-120 for fertilizer. What does this mean and can we mix it ourselves? 

A: Since fertilizer dealers in different parts of the country sell different analyses of fertilizers that contain different amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, the recommendation is telling you how many actual pounds of nutrient to apply per acre. The seed seller is giving you a “typical circumstances” fertilizer recommendation. You would be much better off to have a University of Georgia soil test done ( so that you know how much lime to apply as well as fertilizer. Good soil pH is critical for soybean yields.

Rather than mixing fertilizer yourself, the simplest option is to march into your local feed/fertilizer store and tell them you are planting soybeans for deer. Most professionals will have the exact fertilizer you need for your plot.

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Walter Reeves
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