Garden Watch Camera

Recently I was sent a Garden Watch Camera by the Brinno Company to try out in my garden.

It has been much more fun than I first thought. My first subject was my front yard, where it was interesting to see how the sunlight patters change during the day.

The second project was the unfurling flower of a big ornamental onion I have in my garden.

Now THAT was something! It was fascinating to see the flower open and the stems elongate during the day.

The camera can be left in place for days at a time. My next project is to find a place where a wasp (maybe a paper wasp or a mud-dauber) is building their nest and let the camera record the progress over a week’s time.

I’ll save my “movies” here as I accumulate more of them.

The camera would make a great gift for a curious gardener. Let me know if you get one and record something interesting!

Click here to see the onion flower opening up.

Check out The Garden Watch Cam on

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Walter Reeves
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