Antique Garden Tools

garden forks

When a friend pointed out a New York Times article (digital subscription required) about a museum show of antique garden tools, I was intrigued.

When I realized that the owner of the tools, Mark Morrison, lived near where I intended to vacation that summer, I was elated!

I wrote Mark and asked for a quick visit to see his collection. He graciously granted my request and I dropped by on a sunny Sunday morning.

What a sight! Mark has collected tools for 35 years; some are from the 1500’s. Hundreds of trowels, shovels, garden forks, watering cans, lawn sprinklers and pruning implements artfully line the walls of his display rooms.

Empty cans of insecticide (“Quick, Henry, the Flit!”), antique mouse traps and glass cucumber straighteners are displayed on shelves.

It was an amazing display of both the art and the craft of garden tools.

Although the display is not open to the public, below are some of the treasures I saw.

pruning implements

pruning implements

garden  forks

garden forks

limb loppers

limb loppers

this tool distributes fine thread in a web to protect bush fruit

this tool distributes fine thread in a web to protect bush fruit

dibbles ( for poking holes in the soil)

dibbles ( for poking holes in the soil)

watering cans

watering cans

lawn sprinkler

lawn sprinkler

lawn sprinkler

lawn sprinkler



orchard spray

orchard spray

honeybee skep

honeybee skep

greenhouse heater

greenhouse heater

the collector, with a four-bladed hedge pruner

the collector, with a four-bladed hedge pruner

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Walter Reeves
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