Name that plant
Date Photo Taken
07 / 09 / 2020
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Posted by
Walter Reeves
I’m sure that this is from a funeral, years back or something. I don’t even know what it is! I guess I’m taking pretty good care because from the tiny “funeral plant” in a BUNCHA tiny plants… it’s grown like crazy. I’m worried that it needs more or less water, I need to know if the light is right? It’s a pretty big pot, but still… some like even BIGGER! Oh and those “pods” growing out of it have tiny buds (almost like an ear of corn inside, except white) but last yr nothing came of it
laura735 Master Identifier says:
You’re welcome A Learn! Looks like it thrives under your care for years, even blooms for you. Maybe you have a green thumb and don’t even know it :)!
Best to you A Learn!
August 3rd, 2020 at 2:57am
A Learn Unregistered says:
Thanks Laura, that was VERY helpful and yeah, it looks (your link) looks like my plant alright! I was having trouble navigating this website so I didn’t see your response until I rec’d an email. Thanks for the help. I put that link in my favorites so I can keep reading it. I’m DEFINATELY watering too much. Holy cow, it says once a month!!! 🙁
July 15th, 2020 at 10:43am
laura735 Master Identifier says:
Maybe Homalomena? Possible the cultivar ‘Emerald Gem’ (?). Check out the included link below for information and growing culture. Look like a healthy specimen since there are flowers, the “ear of corn” is inflorescence. Best wishes!
July 11th, 2020 at 1:19am