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Date Photo Taken
07 / 08 / 2013
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Every year, a post oak near our house develops a whitish tree fungus on the bark at the base of the tree. The bark does not appear to be deteriorated in any way in this are. Is this benign or does it indicate a more serious problem beneath the bark?
Katherine Mandel Unregistered says:
I have a client with such tree bark issues – it is due to a sprinkler head shooting water at the tree (in this case and maybe yours as well)
August 24th, 2014 at 4:30pm
Laura Unregistered says:
I just noticed the same thing on some of my trees today in the N GA Mountains! Lots of shade in the area,
August 4th, 2013 at 10:56pm
parityanimal Master Identifier says:
Is that some damage to the tree at the bottom, center of the top photo? If so, that could be the source of the infection (if it is an infection) and may need some treatment. There may be damage under the bark that you cannot see.
July 9th, 2013 at 10:08am