Name that plant
Date Photo Taken
10 / 18 / 2013
Season Photo Was Taken
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Grows in full sun light in light sandy soil, one main stem branching out like a bush very pungent smell to the foliage, is in full flower now.
Rayski Registered says:
Thanks very much your brilliant, it doe`s not grow through the decking its a table I made out of decking ideal for taking pictures and eating off. Once again thanks.
October 21st, 2013 at 12:31pm
stone Master Identifier says:
Compare with ‘hot lips’ Salvia microphylla. Dynamite butterfly/hummingbird plant! What’s it growing through? your deck? You can propagate with cuttings… fairly easily… I prefer to layer the limbs, by throwing some dirt over them… but I’ve rooted limb cuttings in sandy garden soil without problem.
October 21st, 2013 at 8:52am