Zoysiagrass – In North Georgia?

Q: I would like to plant ‘Emerald’ or ‘Meyer’ zoysiagrass at my home but I don’t know if it will be to cold here for it to thrive. Would another type of turfgrass be better?

A: Eddie Ayers, Fannin county Extension agent, says fescue is used by most folks in north Georgia. Bluegrass could also work where you live. The problem I foresee with zoysiagrass is that it is the first to turn brown in fall and the last to turn green in spring. I don’t recommend that you try overseeding it with ryegrass, as you might do with bermudagrass. If we have a severe winter, zoysiagrass might freeze. I think you’d be better off doing what your neighbors do.

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Walter Reeves
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