Zoysia – Taking Up Your Lawn For Construction

Q: I have to take up my zoysia when it is dormant this January to have a pool put in. Will it survive a month before I am able to put it back down where construction was?

A: It’s hard to guarantee success. While the foliage of the plant is dead, the roots and crown are alive. If they dry out or are frozen, the grass will die. Zoysia can tolerate temperatures lower than 20 degrees F. however. I can not guarantee this will work but if I were in your place I would rent a sod cutter and set it to slice the zoysia soil layer at least an inch thick. Remove sod pieces in a size you can easily handle and lay them side by side on a flat, shaded surface. Test the sod every couple of days to make sure it is not dried out by wind. Water as needed but do not make it soggy, only keep it moist. When construction is finished, till the area and add good topsoil and starter fertilizer. Rake it smooth and lay your sod. Keep your fingers crossed until late April, when the zoysia should start greening up.

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Walter Reeves
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