JaMur (Jammer) Zoysiagrass

Q: What do you know about ‘Jammer’ zoysiagrass?

A: Not much…but we’re about to hear lots more.

Dr. Clint Waltz visited an old research plot of this grass and he says “…….after 4 years of neglect (e.g. no or minimal fertility, infrequent mowing at 2+ inches, no supplemental irrigation, no pest control, etc.) ‘JaMur’ was doing well. It’s a medium textured zoysiagrass with good canopy density and green color. I see no reason why it would not make a good lawn grass in Georgia, especially with a little care and attention. I plan to establish about 2,500 sq ft this summer so we can do shade, management, and pest research on this cultivar.”

‘JaMur’ is the correct name. It is short for Jack Murray, the deceased USDA zoysiagrass breeder who also developed ‘Zeon’ zoysiagrass. There are now 8 licensed growers of ‘JaMur’ in Georgia.

See also AdvantaTurf

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Walter Reeves
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