Before Blossoms: Can You Sex a Kiwiberry plant?

Q: I need to know how to sex a kiwiberry plant. Is there a way I can tell when there are no blossoms? It is an “Anna” variety kiwiberry. Can you tell from the leaves? Seems like one of the plants has more jagged-edge leaves. They are very fine, so it’s quite subtle.

A: I salute you growing kiwiberry. It is much hardier than fuzzy kiwi fruit although the fruit is much smaller, about the size of a grape. Kiwiberry has male vines and female vines. One male will pollinate four to eight female vines. Sadly, it’s not possible to determine a kiwiberry’s sex until it blooms. The male flower will have yellow pollen-bearing stamens. The female flower will have only white stigmas to receive pollen. The leaves and stem of a kiwiberry vine offer no hints as to which sex they are.

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Audrey Gilmore
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