Where Can I Find Perennial Lantana?

Q: Where can I find perennial lantana? I’ve hunted for years.

A: If you are willing to make a little trip, you can visit the nursery where the first perennial lantana was introduced. Rick Berry and Marc Richardson, founders of Goodness Grows Nursery in Lexington GA (goodnessgrows.com) noticed a particular plant growing in the yard of a Miss Huff in Athens. Unlike other lantanas they had grown, this one reliably came back from its roots each spring. They propagated cuttings from that plant and sold them under the name of the original owner. In 2005, renowned plantsman Michael Dirr noticed a yellow lantana that was reliably winter hardy in his daughter Susy’s garden in Chapel Hill NC. He, too, took cuttings and eventually patented the plant. So your hunt is over! Look for ‘Miss Huff’, ‘Chapel Hill Yellow’ and ‘Chapel Hill Gold’ lantana varieties. Most garden centers carry them.

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Walter Reeves
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