When To Prune Hibiscus Plants?

Q: We have two hibiscus plants that we bring inside (they’re in pots) every
late fall. We never have been able to find when to prune these….whether it’s
in the fall or the spring. Could you help? When do we prune and how much?

A: Depending on how much space is available indoors, many folks find it
necessary to prove their hibiscus in September reduce the size. It can be left
outside until temperatures dip into the 50s. There is usually some leaf drop
after a month inside, even if you put it in the brightest light available. Take the
hibiscus back outside in the spring when the temperatures are trending above
the 50s. Give it some house plant fertilizer to kick start growth. In May, you
may need to do light pruning if some twigs have died in winter.

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