What Are Cherry Lilies?

Q: I have been searching for months to find out what cherry lilies are. Someone gave me some bulbs, which are huge, with long strappy leaves attached. I have been searching for the name so I’ll know their care. 

A: You gave me a clue by telling me their size and their leaf shape. I’ll bet they are crinum lily bulbs, which can grow as big as a soccer ball and can weigh 20-30 pounds. The long leaves are typical of lilies. There are several varieties with red flowers and ‘cherry’ in their name. Bulbs should be planted in loose, organic soil in a spot that gets part-day to full-day sunshine. They should be planted so that two-thirds of the bulb’s body is below ground and one-third, including the neck, of the neck, is exposed. Watch for big flowers in late spring.

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