Roots – Removing from a Drain Pipe

Q: I have a tree root that has grown into a drainage pipe that drains water from the driveway out to the backyard (not a plumbing pipe). It’s clogging the pipe and causing the water to flood the garage when it rains really hard.

I’ve tried to pull the root out from the end of the pipe, but it won’t budge. Do you have any suggestions?

Is there a chemical or something else I can pour into the pipe to destroy it?

A: If the drain pipe empties onto soil anywhere near plants, you can’t use root control products sold to keep roots out of sewer lines.

Copper sulfate has been used in sewer lines for many years but copper will contaminate soil if it is put where you intend plants to grow.

Another product, RootX, does not contain copper sulfate but it does contain the potent herbicide diclobenil (Casoron). Again, not a good idea to have it near plants.

Some people use rock salt to deter roots but you probably know what happens when salt is put around roots.

I think you need to bite the bullet and rent a trencher machine and dig out the pipe and roots.

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Walter Reeves
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