Microclover – Growing in Georgia

Q: Please tell me your knowledge of microclover alone or with fescue as a turf-type ground cover in Atlanta. We have a sunny yard with a moderate slope facing north. It gets little foot traffic but neither bermuda nor fescue has thrived there.

A: I don’t have any experience with microclover. Microclover is a small-leaved variant of white clover, which is sometimes used in Georgia pastures to enrich the soil and provide winter grazing. It is typically short-lived, particularly in hot, dry summers. In a lawn situation, you could give it better growing conditions with summer irrigation. Keep in mind that it’s hard to keep a thriving mixture of grass and clover. If you fertilize too much, the clover will be crowded out by the grass. If you fertilize too little, the clover will dominate the grass and the lawn will look patchy.

You’ll be on the bleeding edge of lawn care if you try the microclover scheme. Let me know your results!

Questions About Microclover

White Clover in Pastures

Microclover Lawns

white clover flower

white clover flower

typical size white clover

typical size white clover

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Walter Reeves
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