Landscape – Photographing

Severe thunderstorms and lightning in the summer can do major damage to your landscape trees and shrubs. Your homeowner’s insurance may cover losses due to storms. The Internal Revenue Service may even allow a tax deduction for the damage. But how will you prove how much the magnificent oak tree in your yard was worth… when it is now lying in your dining room?*

Photographing your home landscape is a good practice to consider during the summer. Use the last few exposures on a roll of vacation film to get wide-angle and close up shots. With a picture, an adjuster can see how the plants contributed to the overall landscape. Since landscaping may contribute up to 25 percent of the overall value of a property, an incorrect valuation could cost you hundreds of dollars. However, putting a monetary value on trees, especially large ones is a complex process. Size, age, species and location all affect the value of a tree. If damage occurs, a consulting arborist can assist you in determining the loss your landscape has suffered. An arborist’s opinion plus recent landscape photographs can remove much of the difficulty that often surrounds disputed claims. To find a consulting arborist, look in the phone book under “Arborists”. Also, large tree removal companies often have an appraiser on staff who is a member of the International Society of Arboriculture.

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Walter Reeves
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