Khaki weed (Khakiweed, Matt Chafflower) – Identification

Q: Our lawn in the country has been invaded by this plant. It is rapidly spreading and it produces these stickers that become imbedded in the bottom of our shoes. What is it and what can we do to get rid of it?
A: I’d never seen it before so I sent your photos to University of Georgia weed specialist Dr. Patrick McCullough. He says it is khakiweed, Alternanthera pungens, also known as matt chafflower. It spreads readily through the burrs, which stick to everything.
This is a tough weed to control. Triclopyr (Ortho Chickweed, Clover and Oxalis Killer for Lawns, etc) or carfentrazone (Bonide Weed Beater Ultra) will kill the top growth but may not kill all of the root. Read and follow the label.
The BEST control is to use a hand spade to dig out the whole plant.
The WORST thing to do is nothing. It WILL painfully invade your landscape if not controlled.

khaki weed

khaki weed