Horses – Plants They Won’t Like

Q: I have the perfect area for a new garden on our property! However, the garden site is accessible on two sides to horses leaning over the fence to check out the new plants. Do you know where I can get a detailed list of ornamental plants that are toxic to horses?

A: Horses and cows will eat just about anything in, or adjacent to, a pasture. The leaves of red maple, wild cherry, black walnut and oak trees are known to be toxic. Azalea, rhododendron and castor bean are common in Georgia gardens but they are quite poisonous. Among the herbaceous plants, lupine, larkspur, ground ivy, horsetail rush, tomato and potato all have various degrees of toxicity.

Most large animal veterinarians have a list of plants that are toxic to their patients. A simple phone call will result in the complete information you need.

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Walter Reeves
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