Grass – Full Sun, No Water
Q: What is the best grass to plant on a grave in northwest Georgia? I do not want to use gravel. It is in full sun with no water.
A: I think bermudagrass has the best chance of succeeding but it will have a hard time germinating initially under your no-water conditions. Look for a product that mixes grass seed with water-absorbent mulch (Pennington 1-Step, Scotts EZ Seed, etc). Late next April, listen carefully to weather forecasts. The day before rain arrives, go to the cemetery and scratch the soil with a hard iron rake. Scatter grass seed/mulch at the rate indicated on the bag. Do not apply more than the label instructs. Press the material into the soil with the back side of a hoe. Keep your fingers crossed, visit the site again in a few weeks, and let me know your results.