Gnome Pyracantha – Leaves Are Falling Off

Q: What do you know about Gnome pyracantha? They are supposed to take full sun to partial shade, as a hardy low maintenance shrub with red berries. I got it in June and it was thick with leaves. I put it in full sun for a few weeks, in partial shade for a few weeks, and in shade a few weeks, to see how it would do. In a matter of weeks, all of the leaves turned brown and fell off. Some small leaves are starting to pop back up. 

A: I think at some point the roots got too dry and the leaves fell off in protest. Your scheme to try the plant in different light levels was motivated by curiosity, which is a good trait for a gardener, but a few weeks in each environment is way too short. A couple of years of observation in each spot would be better. But here’s some good news: you have a couple of leaves that are sprouting and pyracantha is a tough plant. I would plant it temporarily in a shady place that gets a little bit of sun during the day. Water often enough to keep the roots moist but not soggy at all times and see if it can recover.

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