Gardening Memorials

Q: Can you suggest small gardening charities that accept donations in memory of people? Some state organizations aren’t appropriate because donations have to begin at such a large amount.

A: I am positive that any small garden organization would be happy to work with you on a memorial. Before you make a donation, check to see if they are a 501(c)(3) non-profit so your gift is tax deductible. I worked in DeKalb county for many years so three educational organizations there come immediately to mind, but there are many more deserving groups. Try Wonderland Gardens (, Oakhurst Community Garden ( and Dunwoody Nature Center (

Additional note:

Books on gardening (or any other topic) can be given to your public library in honor or memory of loved ones. These books for children and adults tend to be expensive and libraries often cannot afford to purchase them from their own funds.

Usually the library can obtain the book at a better price and with library binding so send your donation to the library with an explanation of its purpose and they will take care of it.

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Walter Reeves
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