Earth Kind Roses – List

In January 2002, at the conclusion of the first 5-year research study, Texas A&M had identified 11 cultivars which not only survived but also produced outstanding results in southern gardens. Those 11 cultivars are:

Sea Foam – a creamy white shrub rose sporting double blooms throughout the growing season with a cascading growth habit on a 3 foot tall by 6 foot wide bush.

Marie Daly – a pink polyantha dwarf shrubby rose with semi-double fragrant blooms on an almost thornless bush. This variety is perfect for growing in containers and proved to be tolerant to spider mites. It blooms throughout the growing season on a 3 foot tall by 3 foot wide bush.

The Fairy – a light pink polyantha dwarf shrubby rose that has double blooms on bushes 3 feet tall by 4 feet wide. This rose blooms throughout the growing season but does not do well in East Texas due to Cercospora leaf spot in that area. This is one cultivar that will survive where temperatures drop to 200 below 0. It is best used in containers, as a mass planting or as a low border.

Caldwell Pink – a lilac pink carnation-style found rose that grows as a small shrub on bushes 4 feet tall by 4 feet wide. This cultivar truly loves the heat and usually starts blooming once temperatures reach 80 degrees. It is not particular about soil conditions and has striking red, orange and purple foliage in the fall.

Knock Out® – a cherry red semi-doble shrub rose that blooms throughout the growing season on bushes that are 4 feet tall by 4 feet wide. This cultivar was named Rose of the Year in 2004, and is presently one of the candidates for the national Earth-Kind® trials.

Perle d’Or – a peach polyantha rose that blooms with fragrant pompom blooms throughout the growing season on bushes that are 4 feet tall by 4 feet wide. This cultivar out-performed Cecile Brunner in the field tests by 40% and thrived on adversity.

Belinda’s Dream – this medium-size shrub rose was the first rose to receive the Earth-Kind® designation and has been nicknamed “The Rose of the 20th Century”. It has fragrant pink blooms throughout the growing season which resemble hybrid teas with a petal count of 114 and foliage that is a striking blue green color. The mature bush size is 5 feet tall and 5 feet wide.

Else Poulson – a pink floribunda rose that blooms with semi-double flowers throughout the growing season. Because of its growth habit, it is best suited for use in background plantings with a mature size of 5 feet tall by 5 feet wide.

Carefree Beauty (Katy Road Pink) – a Griffith Buck rose producing fragrant pink double blooms throughout the growing season on bushes that are 5 feet tall by 5 feet wide. This is another cultivar presently being considered as a candidate for the national Earth-Kind® trials.

Mutabilis – also known as the “Butterfly Rose”, this China rose has single blooms which change color during their life cycle from yellow to pink to crimson. The bushes blooms throughout the growing season and reach a mature size of 6 feet tall by 6 feet wide.

Climbing Pinkie – This pink semi-double polyantha rose has very fragrant blooms and depending on the climate zone will perform as a repeat bloomer or a once bloomer. As a climbing rose, canes can reach 10 feet long. If cultivated as a shrub, the bush size will be 5 feet tall by 7 feet wide. It is not uncommon for a mature bush to display 800 blooms each day.

Earth Kind Rose sources

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Walter Reeves
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