Clay Seedballs – Making
Q: I have lots of zinnia and other seeds from my cutting garden last year. I want to give them out this spring to friends. I’ve heard you can put the seeds in clay balls for a germination media. Do you have any idea how to do this?
A: Clay seedballs have been used for several years to revegetate eroded land. Once made, the balls are scattered across the area and left in place. When good weather arrives, rain dissolves the clay and initiates seed sprouting. Making seedballs for your friends is an easy project. Mix one-fourth cup of seed with three-fourths cup of dry composted cow manure. Gradually add to the mixture one and one-fourth cup of powdered dry red clay. Add a little water at a time until the mixture is workable. Roll a tablespoon of the damp mixture between your palms to make a ball. Put completed balls on newspaper and allow to completely dry in a shady spot for several days. Tell your friends to scatter the balls as they wish in early April.
Q: I read your article about making seed balls, but I cannot locate powdered red clay. I’ve been to home improvement stores and nurseries but none have ever seen it sold at their stores.
A: My AJC editor is vindicated!
She asked whether we should say where to get clay….and I brushed her off by saying “well, folks can just go outside a dig up all they want!”
We didn’t specify that you can simply use Georgia red clay…just dig some from an eroded bank and let it dry. You can sift it through a kitchen collander.
Or you can call Kickwheel Pottery Supply in Tucker and they can help.