Chromosome Numbers of Plants and Animals
Sometimes a Dad has to be a Dad……..
When my son was studying biology in the ninth grade, he and I got into a discussion of whether organisms with identical numbers of chromosomes would be identical.
He said they would be identical. With my superior (ha!) knowledge of genetics, I said they would not.
Nothing left to do but search the Internet.
Much to my surprise, I could find no central listing of chromosome numbers for plants and animals…just a few notes here and there.
The only good source I found was one devised by a professor at Kean University in New Jersey.
Unfortunately, his website was no longer active; it was only available as a cache in Google.
Rather than let this valuable information fade into the unknown, I decided to download the page and put it on my website….if only to prove to a hard-headed teenager that OCCASIONALLY a parent is CORRECT!
Chromosome Numbers of Plants and Animals
Later, Brett J. sent me a link to the Missouri Botanical Garden’s searchable database of the chromosome numbers of plants.
If you find this useful, please email me and tell me how you use the information.