Candlestick Plant – Identification

Q: A friend gave me this plant. She started it from seed and said the name had “candlestick” in it. Can you identify it and tell me how to care for it?

A: Your friend is correct. You have a candlestick plant, Senna alata aka Cassia alata.

It is gorgeous when in flower, great for a corner of the landscape where you really need some firepower in late summer to fall.

Unfortunately, candlestick plant will not survive winter in the northern half of Georgia. The best way to keep them is to harvest the pods and seed after the first frost. Plant the seed in late April. They will sprout in a week and the plant will grow quickly through the summer in a sunny spot.

Keep in mind that it is a large plant…not good for small spaces.

Candlestick Plant

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Walter Reeves
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