Camellia – Freeze Damage vs Petal Blight

camellia cold injury

Q: Are you able to tell from this photo if my camellia flowers have petal blight? I have cut all the remaining buds and flowers from the plant cleaned up the leaves. If it is petal blight, what should I do now? 

A: This looks more like cold injury to me.

Petal blight is favored by frequent rain showers, high humidity, and mild temperatures during bloom. Camellia petal blight is introduced into landscape plantings on diseased plant material.

Since you’re sending this in mid-winter, freeze damage from the cold in January seems the most likely cause. Not much can be done except enjoy what flowers seem least affected.

camellia cold injury

camellia cold injury

camellia freeze damage

camellia freeze damage

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Walter Reeves
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