Woolly Beech Aphid – Identification

Q: My beech trees have a large bug infestation. You can see they completely cover a limb and leave a mess below. They do not fly away even if I remove a branch. What are they and what do I do?

A: A glorious colony of woolly beech aphid! These sap-sucking insects cover themselves with waxy filaments to deter predators. The gray/black stuff on the ground is sooty mold growing on the tremendous amount of honeydew they produce.

A blast of water or any garden insecticide will control them.

But before you hurt them, watch them dance!

Woolly Beech Aphid

Beech Blight Aphid

Woolly beech aphid

Woolly beech aphid

Woolly beech aphid

Woolly beech aphid

Woolly beech aphid honeydew

Woolly beech aphid honeydew

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Walter Reeves
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