Tunneling Troubles: How to Keep Moles From Under Backyard Pool

Q: I’m having a time with moles getting under our above ground pool. They have about ruined the liner with tunnels all through out the bottom. What is your suggestion to get rid of the little buggers?

A: I don’t know a good answer other than reinstall it over a high quality pool pad, like Armor Shield or Gorilla Pad. Mole damage comes from pinhole leaks due to the ridges they make under the liner. When you step on any disturbance of the material under the pool liner theret is an opportunity for leaks.

You might think that poisoning their food is a good idea. But that doesn’t work because they can always find something else. Traps are useless because we have no bait to draw them in. They find food by hearing vibrations, not by smell. I read about schemes to exclude them from getting under the pool with walls of wood or hardware cloth around the base of the pool, but I have no idea if they work. I think the best option is a high quality pad.

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Audrey Gilmore
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