Squirrel (Wild Animal) – Keeping as Pet

Q: I have a baby squirrel I found on the ground and have been feeding milk for several days.

Can I legally keep it as a pet?

A: No, you can not.

Despite your kind-heartedness, the Georgia DNR has specific regulations regarding what animals can be kept as pets.

Here are their rules:

The following list of species native to Georgia may not be held as a pet regardless of its origin or morphology. Although extensive, this list does not include all native wildlife that is prohibited. If there is any doubt about the legality of possessing any species, contact the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Special Permit Unit.

Mammals –

* Armadillo
* Bats, all species
* Black Bear
* Bobcat
* Chipmunk
* Cottontail Rabbit
* Coyote
* Cougar
* Flying Squirrel
* Fox Squirrel
* Gray Fox
* Gray Squirrel
* Groundhog
* Marsh Rabbit
* Mink
* Mole
* Muskrat
* Opossum
* Pocket Gopher
* Raccoon
* Red Fox
* River Otter
* Skunk
* Swamp Rabbit
* Weasel
* White-tailed Deer

Reptiles and Amphibians –

* Alligator
* Alligator Snapping Turtle
* Black Racer
* Bog Turtle
* Box Turtle (Eastern, Florida, Gulf Coast, Three-toed)
* Brown Snake
* Coachwhip
* Corn Snake
* Crayfish Snake (Glossy, Striped)
* Crowned Snake (Southeastern, Central Florida)
* Diamondback Terrapin
* Earth Snake (Rough, Smooth)
* Fence Lizard
* Flatwoods Salamander
* Florida Worm Lizard
* Garter Snake
* Georgia Blind Salamander
* Glass Lizard (Eastern, Island, Mimic, Slender)
* Gopher Tortoise
* Green Anole
* Green Salamander
* Hellbender
* Hognose Snake (Eastern, Southern)
* Indigo Snake
* Kingsnake (Black, Eastern, Mole, Scarlet)
* Map Turtle (Alabama, Barbour’s, Common)
* Milksnake
* Mud Snake
* One-toed Amphiuma
* Pigeon Mountain Salamander
* Pine Snake (Florida, Northern)
* Pine Woods Snake
* Queen Snake
* Rainbow Snake
* Rat Snake (Black, Gray, Yellow)
* Redbellied Snake
* Ribbon Snake
* Ringneck Snake
* Rough Green Snake
* Scarlet Snake
* Sea Turtle (Green, Hawksbill, Leatherback, Loggerhead, Ridley)
* Six-lined Racerunner
* Skink (Broadhead, Coal, Five-lined, Southeastern Five-lined, Ground, Mole)
* Spotted Turtle
* Striped Newt
* Water Snake (Banded, Brown, Florida Green, Northern, Redbelly)
* Worm Snake

Birds and Fishes

All species of birds encountered in the wild in Georgia are protected by state and federal laws except English sparrows, European starlings, and pigeons. All species of fish native to the waters of this state are protected.

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Walter Reeves
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