Squirrel – Dumb Things They Chew On

I am no longer surprised at what squirrels find fun to chew on. From licking mortar to gnawing on a deck to eating a gas can, squirrels seem to find lots of things delicious.


My guess is stupidity in some cases and curiosity in others…plus maybe a need for minerals. Do you have a better explanation?

Squirrel – Chewing on Deck

Squirrel – Damage to Bird Feeder

Squirrel – Licking Mortar

Squirrel – Damaging Garden Hose and Gas Can

Squirrel – Clipping Maple Twigs

Squirrel-proof Bird Feeders  (scroll down to the bottom to see two non-squirrel-proof feeders)

damage to gas can

damage to gas can

damage to gas can nozzle

damage to gas can nozzle

squirrel damage to pot

squirrel damage to pot

damage to plastic bucket

damage to hose

damage to hose

squirrel damage to bark

squirrel damage to bark

squirrel damage to plaster

squirrel damage to plaster figurine

damage to bird house

damage to bird house

damage to lawnmower gas tank

chew marks on aluminum fence tie

Did you wonder why your hummingbird feeder always seemed to be empty?

squirrel damage to cow skull (maybe they needed calcium?); painted with pepper oil when damage was discovered

a squirrel quickly learned to hang onto the end of the barn and, using one paw to hold down the perch, would shovel seed into his mouth with the other

plastic bird feeder chewed out

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Walter Reeves
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