Plants for Pollinators

Many landscape plants depend on bees and other insects to move pollen from flower to flower. The insects don’t realize they are pollinating the plants they visit – they’re just looking for nectar in the flowers. You can help the flowering plants in your neighborhood by planting a pollinator-friendly flower garden. Bumblebees, solitary bees, pollinating wasps and other insects will try to fill in for honeybees.

Growing the common plants listed below insures that something is blooming for your pollinators each month of the year. Also study the plants listed in the links below.

January – Giant Red mustard

February: redbud

March: Carolina jessamine, flowering cherry

April: ajuga, crimson clover, apple, holly, thrift, abelia, crabapple, ‘Winter King’ hawthorn, ‘Foster’ holly

May: ‘Schip’ laurel, ‘Otto Leuyken’ laurel, annual salvia, veronica, Virginia sweetspire, yarrow, scabiosa, lavender, evening primrose, dill, coreopsis, serviceberry, abelia

June: nandina, perennial salvia, agastache, rattlesnake master (Eryngium yuccifolium), cosmos, fothergilla, elderberry, plain (not double) zinnia, coneflower, Shasta daisy, bottlebrush buckeye, St. John’s Wort, winterberry holly

July: bee balm, chaste tree, sunflower, phlox, dill, fennell, clerodendrum, catmint, liatris, panicle hydrangea

August: Verbena bonariensis, butterfly bush, glossy abelia, Mexican sage, joe-pye weed, goldenrod, alyssum

September: butterfly weed, mountain mint, goldenrod, osmanthus

October: Salvia guaranitica, pineapple sage, sedum

November: aster


Plants for Pollinators in the Southeast

Plants Bees Like Best

Plants, Habitat, and Gardens for Pollinators

All About Pollination

Native Bees of Georgia Identification

Creating Pollinator Nesting Boxes

bee on sedum

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Walter Reeves
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