Monarch Butterfly – Attracting

Q: I’d like to plant milkweed to attract and feed Monarch butterflies. Where can I get seed?
A: “Monarchs Across Georgia” is a project of the Environmental Education Alliance of Georgia . They have a great website that lists resources for encouraging Monarchs, including seed sources. Several local small nurseries grow milkweed plants or sell the seed, including Baker Environmental Nursery and Randy’s Perennials . Another source is Southern Exposure Seed Exchange.
Monarch Watch has excellent tips on growing milkweed from seed.
The Xerces Society has great resources for protecting endangered insects.
NOTE: My personal favorite plants are butterfly weed, Asclepias tuberosa and swamp milkweed, Asclepias incarnata.
I’ve grown Common Milkweed, Asclepias syriaca, in my garden but it has a tendency to spread where it’s not wanted. Be forewarned!