Kudzu Bug – On Wisteria

kudzu bug on wisteria

The kudzu bug, Megacopta cribraria, has quickly become a nuisance in Georgia. While it seems to lightly damage kudzu, the creatures wander into homes by the dozens (if not hundreds) in fall and spring.

Now they have been caught damaging wisteria too!

Charles T. sends great pictures of these insects massing on his wisteria vine in April 2011, near Social Circle. They damage plants by inserting their sharp stylet (mouth tube) into plant cells and sucking out plant juice. If there are lots of them on a young plant, new growth will be affected.

Since kudzu bug, kudzu vine and wisteria all hail from Asia, it makes sense that they would have a relationship.

Kudzu bug can be killed with any garden insecticide sprayed on the affected plant.

More kudzu bug info.

kudzu bug on wisteria

kudzu bug on wisteria

kudzu bug on wisteria

kudzu bug on wisteria

kudzu bug on wisteria

kudzu bug on wisteria

kudzu bug on wisteria

kudzu bug on wisteria

kudzu bug on wisteria

kudzu bug on wisteria

kudzu bug larvae on wisteria

kudzu bug larvae on wisteria

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Walter Reeves
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