Deer Fly – Control

Few biting insects are as painful as deer flies. They are slow enough to swat in most cases but if you don’t notice when one lands, you’ll soon wish you had!

Extension agent Greg Huber suggests you try the trolling deer fly trap, developed by Dr. Russell F. Mizell at the North Florida Research and Education Center.

“I have to admit that I was skeptical, but a thrilling 30 minute trial run at my house in mid-June captured several hundred flies on two blue Solo cups and provided the kids with quality entertainment! (There is not much to do in Concord GA).  Basically, it’s a plastic cup painted with “Tanglefoot Insect Trap Coating”. When wobbling atop a wire or stick at trolling speed it is irresistable to these annoying pests. “

See How To Make a Deer Fly Trap

Click here to buy Tanglefoot.


(photo courtesy of Greg Huber)



(photo courtesy of Greg Huber)

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Walter Reeves
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