Cat – Control

Cats digging in a flower bed can be a confounding problem. There are no repellents that are really effective. When I offered radio advice on the subject, a listener added these comments:

“I was listening to your show Saturday morning, February 22 and you had a caller asking what she could do about feral cats that were coming into her yard. Your advice was to call animal control. That will solve her problem but the cats will be killed.

“There are other solutions. The following organizations can help:

Feral Friends Network – This group can look to see if they have anyone to assist trapping feral cats in your caller’s area. Then SPOT (Stopping Pet Overpopulation Together) will pay to have the cats spayed and neutered. (SPOT 404-584-7768). I am a volunteer for SPOT and have actually seen requests for ferals by people who have barns with mice in them. The barns don’t have to be filled with poisons.

Furkids (Cat Division) 706-692-1807 – Advice on ferals.

Cobb Alley Cats – 770-436-6758 – Advice on ferals.

“The Sterile Feral – 706-232-2418 ( or www.feral1@bellsouth. This organization has fixed over 600 ferals. They have been in existence for two years.

“I’m sure you’ll agree saving a cat’s life is right up there with saving the plants – and probably leads to saving the planet. All life needs to be respected.

R. N. in Cumming adds:

“Heard the guy call in a few weeks ago with the cat walking on the car. I had the same problem with couches and counters. You can get a “scat mat” that produces static electricity and works great for the couch, but I don’t like to put electricity on an automobile.

I discovered the good ol’ standby, duct tape, works great on the counters and cars. Just cut off a 6 inch piece, fold down a corner onto itself, and place it upside down where you do not want them to roam. The trick is placing it where they jump up. Once they step on it, they will jump down and then have the task of getting it off. Don’t know how, but it usually ends up on their tail or hind legs.

If you are not sure which neighborhood cat is the culprit, this will seek them out. If the cat goes back home with tape stuck to them, maybe the owner will get the hint to try and keep them home. It only takes the cat about 2-3 times to figure it out. You may have to move the tape around if they discover it is not all over the car.

P.S. I use the grade that is not very sticky for this, but if they are hardheaded, get the good grade of duct tape.

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Walter Reeves
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