Brown Marmorated Stinkbug Identification and Control

Q: I found this stinkbug in my house . Is it the brown marmorated stinkbug? We have been finding them since last summer.
A: Yes, it is a Brown Marmorated Stinkbug (BMSB). I see the characteristic white bands on the antennae. Gardeners and growers in the Northeast have been having a terrible problem with this bug. It feeds on many fruits and vegetables, making them unmarketable. It will become a BIG problem for Georgia gardeners and homeowners.
The insect aggregates on the sides of homes and buildings in fall and moves inside through cracks under doors and around windows. If you step on one you’ll quickly find out why they are called “stinkbug”.
The best way to remove them indoors is by covering with a cup and sliding a card underneath then squashing them outdoors. If you vacuum them up you’ll have a stinky vacuum cleaner!
Prevent their entry by sealing window frames and door seals. If they are indoors, they came through a crack you haven’t yet discovered.
These insects are tough to control. Read the labels for spinosad (click for examples), carbaryl (click for examples)
or permethrin (click for examples)
to see if they might be useful.
Comparison with Other Stinkbugs
National Clearinghouse of BMSB Information
Also: try making this simple trap and let me know if it works for you.

brown marmorated stinkbug

brown marmorated stinkbug