Join Me for a Pacific Northwest Trip – July, 2016

Looking for a quick garden get-away to one of the garden beauty spots of the world?

Join me this summer in the beautiful and exotic Pacific Northwest! Home to lovely gardens, rain forests, and stunning scenery. You’ll see Butchart Gardens in Canada, meet international plant explorer Dan Hinkley, walk through beautiful private gardens, take in the Olympic Peninsula, ride ferries, visit Seattle, and call on British Columbia, Canada.

Escape the Georgia heat to the beautiful cool greenery of the Pacific Northwest!

You don’t have to be a flower fanatic to travel with me. My previous trips have included doctors, lawyers, teachers, and radio broadcasters who simply want to travel to gorgeous locations with interesting, like-minded folks. If one person in a couple is a gardener and the other is not, don’t despair! We make plenty of side trips to interesting places that draw everyone’s attention.

Full details are at Garden Tour of the Pacific Northwest with Walter Reeves.

But here’s something you need to know: there will be a lot of interest in this trip from folks who have gone with me to South Africa, New Zealand, The Netherlands, Ireland, and Cuba.

If you’re interested, talk over the trip with your family, go to the Earthbound Expeditions website above, read the details of how to indicate your interest to them, and make your decision soon. Note that deposits are refundable under certain conditions.

Most importantly, have no fear that “I won’t know anyone.” (you know me!), “What if the people aren’t nice?” (we’re gardeners, silly. We’re nice by nature!), or “Will my spouse enjoy it?” (there is something for everyone on this trip! Gardeners, non-gardeners, foodies, walkers and lazy folks can always find something to enjoy.)

If you have personal questions, just email me.

You only live once! I hope you’ll join us!




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Walter Reeves
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