Georgia Drought Level 3 – Rules

oats as cover crops

SUMMARY Level 3: Prohibits all outdoor irrigation of landscapes. Food gardens may be watered between 4 p.m. and 10 a.m. (Soaker hoses and drip irrigation may be used any time.) Hand watering allowed during designated hours. Golf course irrigation limited.

SPECIFIC STATE RULES: During Drought Response Level 3, permittees shall implement all Drought Response Level 1 and 2 measures plus the following additional Drought Response Level 3 measures:

(a) General Outdoor Watering. Outdoor irrigation for purposes of planting, growing, managing, or maintaining ground cover, trees, shrubs, or other plants, as described in Rule 391-3-30-.03(1)(a), is not permitted.

(b) Specific Categories of Outdoor Water Use. The outdoor water uses listed in Rule 391-3-30-.03(1)(b) shall be allowed, subject to the following additional requirements:
1. Irrigation of personal food gardens shall be conducted between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m., unless done using drip irrigation or soaker hoses. Irrigation of personal food gardens using drip irrigation or soaker hoses may be done at any time;
2. Handwatering with a hose with automatic cutoff or handheld container may be conducted between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m.;
3. Irrigation of athletic fields or public turf grass recreational areas may be conducted between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m., subject to the two days a week odd-even schedule described in Drought Response Level 2;
4. Irrigation of golf courses shall be conducted in accordance with the “Golf Irrigation Prediction and Estimation Worksheet” and only between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m., provided, however, irrigation of golf course greens may occur at any time of day;
5. Use of reclaimed waste water by a designated user from a system permitted by the Division to provide reclaimed waste water shall not be allowed for general outdoor watering as described in Rule 391-3-30-.03(1)(a). It shall be allowed for any use described in Rule 391-3-30-.03(1)(b) subject to the limitations in Rule 391-3-30-.07(4)(b);
6. Installation, maintenance, or calibration of irrigation systems is allowed, provided thatit is done by professional landscapers or golf course superintendents.


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Walter Reeves
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