Chickweed – In Centipedegrass

Q: Can you please tell me what these weeds are and how to kill them? Around the first of March I put 50 lbs of “weed and feed” on my centipede lawn and now it seems all I have is the weeds.

A: The weed identification is easy: the plant with little white flowers is chickweed; the one with the purple flowers is henbit

But they are the least of your problems. Your lawn may die from a too-early application of fertilizer. Early feeding makes centipedegrass tender and the cold weather we’ve had since you fed it may have killed the grass.

Centipede does best when it is fertilized when it is 100% green, usually in May.

You should have only spot sprayed lightly with a broad-leafed weedkiller when you first saw the weeds come out.

Check out my lawn care calendars.

In the mean time, keep your fingers tightly crossed!

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Walter Reeves
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