Pepper and Basil – Bacterial Leaf Spot

Q: Can you tell me what the black splotches on the basil in our small garden are?

Q: This is a picture of a pepper I planted about 2 weeks ago. It looked healthy and vibrant when I put it in. Other pepper plants nearby are beginning to look like this as well. Can you give me a clue about what’s wrong with it.

A: Both plants have bacterial leaf spot. It is extremely difficult to control.

About the only thing a gardener can do is keep the leaves as dry as possible.

Fungicides that contain copper may give a little bit of control.

See Black Spots on Basil Leaves

Bacterial Spot on Pepper

basil bacterial spot

basil bacterial spot

basil bacterial spot

basil bacterial spot

pepper bacterial leaf spot

pepper bacterial leaf spot

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Walter Reeves
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