Okra and Peas – Bayer Advanced Complete Insect Dust

Q: Please explain why okra and peas are not listed as plants you can use Bayer Advanced Complete Insect Dust on. This product has such wide-spread use that it does not seem reasonable that you can’t use it on those two vegetables.

A: Where edible crops are concerned, all applications must be registered through Federal and State environmental protection agencies. They require a significant number of tests and verification of residue levels to allow specific crops listed on a label. A company must decide what crops will be listed initially in order to get a product to market rapidly, keeping in mind that other crops might be added in the future. Note that the Bayer Complete Insect Killer spray (not the dust) label DOES include okra and peas, because it contains a different chemical. Don’t make any assumptions away from what is on the product label. Bottom line: the label is the law.

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Walter Reeves
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