Blueberry – New Varieties

Q: I have fifteen mature blueberry plants, including ‘Tifblue’, ‘Brightwell’, ‘Climax’, ‘Premier’, and ‘Powderblue’. I am not unhappy with my harvest, but I am wondering about replacing one or two with a newer variety.
A: The varieties you have are good but they were introduced decades ago. New varieties from the University of Georgia include ‘Titan’, Summer Sunset and Blue Suede. Consider adding them to your garden.
Also look for ‘Southern Bluebelle’, ‘Cutie Pie’, and ‘Frostberry Delight’.
‘BLUE SUEDE’ is a highbush blueberry that produces a normal-sized home garden plant, attractive, sky-blue fruit, and attractive fall foliage; ripens over time; and is self-pollinating.
‘CUTIE PIE’ is a dwarf hybrid that’s compact, with small leaves; generally keeps attractive foliage into the fall; is very attractive during flowering, as it puts on a lot of flowers; has small, darker berries; and produces a good crop load.
‘FROSTBERRY DELIGHT’ is a rabbiteye blueberry that produces large, sky-blue berries and blue, green and silver foliage; is self-pollinating; and is heat- and drought-tolerant.’
SOUTHERN BLUEBELLE’ is a highbush blueberry that’s an ultra-dwarf plant; produces medium- to large-sized, light-blue fruit and an abundance of berries; and flowers profusely. ‘
SUMMER SUNSET’ is a rabbiteye blueberry that has deep-green foliage; multicolored berries that turn from light green, to yellow, to orange, to a deep sunset red, to midnight blue as they ripen; and produces normal-sized berries with a full-flavored taste. The plant does not keep its foliage in the fall.