Artichokes – Growing in Conyers?

Q: In my native country, Greece, I enjoyed growing artichokes this time of the year. There, I planted them once and they came back every year. Can you please tell me if I can grow them here, where to find them, and any advice for growing artichokes in Georgia?

A: I doubt Conyers, Georgia will ever rival Castroville, California as the “Artichoke Capitol of the World”. This kissing cousin to our weedy thistle prefers boring, year-round cool temperatures, not the roller coaster ride of weather we enjoy in Georgia. My friend Dr. George Boyhan, the Vidalia onion guru, dabbles in vegetables that are not normally grown in Georgia.

George says that your best chance is to grow artichokes from cuttings rather than starting from seed. This means you can plant the cuttings in early fall or early spring and protect the plants from freezing weather. If you are lucky and we have a long fall or spring, you might harvest enough to bring back memories of home. Baroda Farms (888-955-6529) sells small artichoke plants by mail.

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Walter Reeves
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