Alfalfa Farming- Getting Started

Q: My wife and I are nearing retirement and plan on staying in Fayette County. As a young man raised near Chicago, one of my favorate summers was spent on a farm in Michigan. We hauled hay the old fashioned way with a hay elevator, milked, combined wheat and all the other things done on the farm. Ever since, I’ve been a frustrated want-to-be farmer.

Nearing retirement at Delta, I want to play a little bit or at least be able to deduct a small hobby type operation. Buy a small horsepower tractor and some implements. Hay Baling has always been interesting. There seems to be lots of horse people down in this county and to the south. I thought maybe specializing in raising some Alfalfa Hay and selling it in small bales might support my equipment. Do you know anyone who can give me some advice?

A: I think your best bet is to talk to the Fayette Extension office (1-800-ASKUGA-1) or Wade Hutchinson in the Spalding office and see if they can find an Extension forage specialist or small-farm econimist to advise you.

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Walter Reeves
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