Using systemic insecticides against Japanese beetles

Recently I discussed how to control Japanese beetle grubs organically. I noted that none of them are one hundred percent effective. Here are some inorganic methods that come close.

I mentioned chlorantraniliprole as being an effective preventive insecticide. Products containing imidacloprid or clothianidin are also effective if applied preventively, but they can pose a hazard to bees foraging on flowering weeds or nesting in treated lawns. To minimize their hazard to pollinators, mow any flowering weeds, like clover and dandelions, just before or right after the pesticide application. Avoid areas being used by ground-nesting bees.

Homeowner products for preventive grub control usually have the words “season-long” grub control on the packaging. Homeowner products for curative grub control usually have the words “24-hour” grub control on the packaging.

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