Name that plant
Date Photo Taken
03 / 18 / 2020
Season Photo Was Taken
Region Photo Was Taken
Coweta County
Posted by
Ron Bauer
Any idea what this is? It is really aggressive and hardy. I live in Coweta County, GA and this plant successfully overwintered in the garden and, in fact, had those purple flowers all winter! We want to move it but are unsure of how and when. Thanks
laura735 Master Identifier says:
Perhaps something in the wallflowers might be a better fit. Check out the shrubby wallflower Erysimum x linifolium BowlesÕ MauveÕ from the included link below. Best wishes!
May 10th, 2020 at 3:59pm
laura735 Master Identifier says:
Plants details are a bit blurry. I’m guessing maybe a cultivar in the Matthiola genus (stock), possible Matthiola incana? Check it out and see if you have a match. Sorry, I don’t have any experience in relocating stock. Although whenever I’m moving a plant. I would do it in the late afternoon/early evening and try to get as much of the plant’s roots ball as I can. According to sources, you could easily starting them from seeds. The link included below for commercial program, but the tips for seeds propagation method are helpful . Best wishes!
March 21st, 2020 at 4:31am