Name that plant

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  • Date Photo Taken

    08 / 17 / 2019

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  • Posted by

    Sheila Webb


What is this plant? It first started growing in our perennial garden by the front porch about 2-3 months agoÉ It looked like a corn stalk so we were so amazed we decide to let it grow. But now it doesnÕt look so much like a corn stalk and we are not sure what it is. We are right next-door to Gibbs Gardens in the very north east corner of Cherokee County. Any insight you can give us would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much sheila and Scott Webb


  • Wendy Unregistered says:

    This showed up and I thought it was corn – so how can I use it? Feed it to the birds??

    September 24th, 2020 at 8:43pm

  • Paul Dunham Unregistered says:

    I live in northeast New York State. I have several of those corn stalk looking plants growing in my yard an gardens. Thought it was corn at first.

    August 19th, 2020 at 12:33pm

  • Robert Mull Apprentice says:

    Looks like grain sorghum what we called high gear to me. It will be ready to harvest in October.The heads will be little rust colored balls about the size of BBÕs. An ingredient in animal feed. Birds like them too. It is not Millet.

    August 20th, 2019 at 12:23pm

  • Walter Reeves The Georgia Gardener says:

    Millet From birdseed

    August 19th, 2019 at 10:54am

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