Name that plant

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  • Date Photo Taken

    06 / 22 / 2019

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    carolyn grey


These fuzzy melon-like fruits are growing on vines in our yard. The vines resemble melon vines (or some say cucumber vines).. What are they and are they edible?


  • Pnobronx Unregistered says:

    It’s a melon plant. I have one growing in my yard as well. I bought thinking it was the other kind of melon but it is actually called honeydew melon

    August 21st, 2024 at 10:18pm

  • Jacob Unregistered says:

    I have some growing in my yard to. What’s is it?

    July 28th, 2024 at 9:43pm

  • Debbie Hatley Unregistered says:

    We have some of these growing in our garden. The fuzzy has now turned into what is more like a smooth melon skin. Curious what they are. Thought it was a cucumber plant and picked one thinking it was a cucumber, then noticed it was fuzzy. Think it’s some sort of melon, but not sure.

    July 11th, 2024 at 11:06am

  • Walter Reeves The Georgia Gardener says:

    let’s wait a week and repost new pix

    June 27th, 2019 at 8:46am

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