Name that plant
Date Photo Taken
04 / 06 / 2019
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Posted by
David Barry
Reposting my March 14th entry “Are these holly seedlings?” with better photos of leaves and bark, these evergreen plants (trees?) are popping up all over my wooded backyard in Cobb County, GA. Previous post was tentatively ID’d as Carolina Cherry Laurel, but no flowers or fruit are visible, and crushing the leaves didn’t produce any remarkable fragrance. New growth on the plant is reddish.
laura735 Master Identifier says:
Flowers image of Taiwansese (Photinia serratifolia.)
April 10th, 2019 at 8:45am
laura735 Master Identifier says:
Second link for Taiwanese photinia.
April 10th, 2019 at 8:23am
laura735 Master Identifier says:
Another possible ID is perhaps the Taiwanese photinia (Photinia serratifolia). Check out these links for their leaves, stems & branches closeup. Although I’m leaning toward the former suggested ID, not having the plant in person; I could be wrong. Comparing the back of the leaves for both genera and see either of these match. Click on images to enlarge. Best wishes!
April 10th, 2019 at 8:12am
laura735 Master Identifier says:
Link to Agricultural Extension Service for Maietta, GA
April 10th, 2019 at 1:54am
laura735 Master Identifier says:
Scroll down for leaves images of Prunus caroliniana. Click images to enlarges.
April 10th, 2019 at 1:31am
laura735 Master Identifier says:
Appreciate these follow up great photos! To my eyes the details of leaves & bark are still similar to those of Carolina laurelcherry. These specimens are not be mature enough to produce flowers & fruits. I don’t grow these and can’t tell how many years for P. caroliniana to mature enough to flowers. Check out images of bark & leaves on these link to compare. Again with out flowers to confirm, this is only a suggested ID Perhaps you should take some of these saplings to the local Agricultural Extension Service for ID. Best wishes! Scrolling down to the images trunks & barks.
April 10th, 2019 at 1:25am
Witchazel Master Identifier says:
Maybe Chinese Elm?…2.0..1.236.2134.17j2j2……0….1…….5..35i304i39j0i13i30.RUMjVPplbW8&ei=j_2sXKn_BMuNzgL84KDgAQ&bih=718&biw=412&client=ms-android-verizon&prmd=isnv
April 9th, 2019 at 4:27pm