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    03 / 25 / 2019

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  • Posted by

    Fred Lovins


I have a hilly area on my property that is in dire need of something to stop/control the erosion. A friend suggested Vetiver Grass. I have never heard of this. Is this a good solution?


  • Ramveer Unregistered says:


    June 24th, 2024 at 4:36am

  • laura735 Master Identifier says:

    Link to solution for erosion using native grasses & plants.

    March 27th, 2019 at 10:12am

  • laura735 Master Identifier says:

    I’m not an expert and have no experience growing the Vetiver grass. I have found these included links below might help in your decision. Various sellers claims from the Internet, it’s like a ‘Holy Grail” ie: ‘Vetiver is a clumping type grass not running type and the ‘Sunshine’ is a non-sterile cultivar.,%20Christine%20Spring%202017.pdf ” Other than the lack of seed set, there are no morphological differences between the sterile and non-sterile variety making it difficult to identify different varieties. There is a possibility that a non-sterile variety could enter the U.S. unintentionally allowing the uncontrollably spread as an invasive weed.” You could look into other options in using native grasses & plants from the second included link. Best wishes!

    March 27th, 2019 at 10:40am

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